Welcome to Depth and Drive: Finding Success Without Losing Yourself, a podcast and blog dedicated to entrepreneurs, creators, and founders who are navigating the delicate balance between their ambitions and their personal well-being. In today’s fast-paced world, the drive to succeed can often overshadow the need to stay true to oneself. This space is designed to help you explore how to achieve your goals without compromising your emotional depth, creative integrity, or personal identity. As entrepreneurs, creators, and founders, you’re likely familiar with the relentless pursuit of success and the sacrifices it demands. But what happens when the very things that make you unique—your creativity, emotional intelligence, and personal values—get lost in the hustle? Depth and Drive delves into these crucial questions, offering insights, stories, and strategies to help you maintain your sense of self while pursuing your dreams. Whether you’re building a brand, launching a new venture, or pushing the boundaries of innovation, this podcast and blog will guide you on how to find fulfillment without losing yourself in the process. Join us as we discuss the intersection of ambition and authenticity, where success is not just measured by external achievements but by how well you can stay connected to who you are. Through engaging conversations and practical advice, Depth and Drive offers a roadmap for entrepreneurs, creators, and founders who seek to thrive both personally and professionally. Here, you’ll learn how to harness your emotional depth as a strength, fueling your creative and entrepreneurial endeavors with purpose and balance.
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
#154 Over-giving? A simple trick to have more ease in relationships
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
Over-givers of the world – what else is possible?!
If you are a people person:
- caregiver, healer, teacher, helper or at all interested in making other people’s lives greater –
This is a must have conversation for you!
It’s one I have had to work myself through – many times over – and one that I rejoice in having with all my people-loving coaching clients.
How do you give without exhausting yourself and creating overwhelm in the receiver?
How can a lighter touch in your interactions lead to greater for all involved?
And, most importantly:
How can you reclaim your capacity for generosity and caring without the superiority of fixing or trying to change things for others?
Whether you are in a profession or have a life that is people focused
– or are simply looking for more ease in how to be in relation to others –
the profound trick I share in this episode is a game-changer!
(It saved me from having to quit my hospital gig YEARS ago by allowing me to fill up as I poured out... I got happier and my clients motivated themselves into more change - better results for all!)
Tune into this week’s podcast to discover:
- #1 exhaust-er creator in relationships – both personal and professional – and how to change it
- Simple trick to prevent overwhelm in your relationship partners and exhaustion in yourself – all in one fell swoop
- How to garner self-care while you give – aka filling up as you pour out
- Relationship / interaction equalizer to break your over-giving pattern
- “Light touch” technique to allow what you give to be received with ease
Connect with Lauren for a 1:1 on this topic here: https://laurenpolly.com/discovery-session/
Tuesday Apr 23, 2019
#153 You, Your Body & The Earth: Connection for Lighter Living
Tuesday Apr 23, 2019
Tuesday Apr 23, 2019
What could the planet and your body teach you about living?
Nature is an amazing teacher.
It’s honest, raw, unapologetic, intense and downright fierce at times.
It’s also beautiful, peaceful, generative and thrumming with aliveness.
It’s fully aware of the interesting state of the human world and bears witness to it all - with no judgment.
Most of us are seeking a life experience that is lighter, supported, connected and more expansive.
We look to our relationship with self – and others – to bring about this change.
It’s a necessary conversation but I’d like to add one more…
The relationship you have with the planet – and your physical body by extension – make up a huge part of the energies you experience in your day to day.
Just as your energetic bandwidth may be less then ideal if you are in tumultuous relationships or stuck in self-hatred.
If your relationship to your body and the planet is not acknowledged, judgmental or numb then that will have ripple effects on how you see and experience the world.
Looking deeper into creating a life that is yummy for you to live and embody doesn’t start and end with the people conversation…
Including your body and using the planet as a teacher can contribute greatly to your sense of peace, possibilities and joyful aliveness.
If you aren’t including it – then you are missing out on something special!
In celebration of earth day; tune into this week’s podcast episode to discover:
- An exercise to apply consciousness non-judgment to your relationship with you, other people, your body and the earth
- Elements of embodiment and the important role the planet and your body play in it
- #1 sticking point in relationship dynamics that dampen your life experience – and how to change it
- How to use the earth as a teacher
- An exercise to connect and be present with your body and the earth for a greater sense of peace and possibility
Connect with Lauren here: www.laurenpolly.com
Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
#152 Vacation Mind in Daily Life: Keeping Your Peace in Stressful Spaces
Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
What impact does your daily environment have on your mind?
Ever spend an extended time out of your normal environment?
Vacations – whether it’s R&R in nature or adventuring in a faraway land –
Have the ability to unplug us from the mind chatter we’ve grown accustomed to.
The worries, stress and body tension that are so much a part of our day to day life that we accept them as a given.
I had a wonderful compare and contrast moment recently where the quiet of my vacation gave me the sense of what was truly possible.
And the immediate whirl of my mind as soon as I returned home gave me a much-needed a-ha of what I’ve been allowing to sit in my space, busy my mind and tense up my body.
What impact does your daily environment have on your mind?
How much do you lose the space and sense of you in the midst of it?
What if you could choose peace and presence in each moment – without needing a time-out from your life?
Tune into this week’s podcast to discover:
- A powerful awareness exercise to decipher where you begin and the noise of your environment ends
- Discovery work on "emotional environmental polluters" and how to change them
- How your choices may be colored by environmental noise – and how that may be guiding your life in inauthentic and less then yummy directions
- #1 trick for having you no matter what circumstances you find yourself in
- Tips on living relaxed, open, peaceful and present – and the personal power to create that comes with it!
To explore deeper work with Lauren with a 1:1 session visit https://laurenpolly.com/discovery-session/
Tuesday Apr 02, 2019
#151 Out-Creating Your Potential: Going Beyond the Expectations of Others
Tuesday Apr 02, 2019
Tuesday Apr 02, 2019
Is living up to your potential stunting your growth?
Being told you have potential is a mixed bag…
On one had it feels really good to have someone see what you’re capable of.
You may find it easier to move forward on a new path with this jovial encouragement.
Seeing that possibility through the eyes of others – who aren’t doubting your ability – gives a pep to your step and a boost of “I can do this!” energy.
On the other hand, your sense of freedom may come to a grinding halt when the words
“You’ve got potential to be this…”
Comes out of someone’s mouth – be it a friend, family member, co-worker, mentor or random stranger.
The sticky part of that statement is the “this.”
In one short sentence your infinite possibilities get defined into one very specific one.
And unfortunately, one that you had very little in choosing…
Just think of a time where someone handed you a role that you’d be perfect for without checking with you to see if you wanted to play it in the first place!
This can stunt your growth in many different ways.
Your freedom of expression may diminish.
Changing directions may become more difficult.
Ownership of what you’re creating may become theirs in the end.
And a measuring stick of you vs the promised potential becomes the driver of your inner dialogue…
(Am I moving fast enough? In the correct direction? Am I succeeding?)
This phenomenon occurs in professional, creative and personal relationships.
One’s left to wonder…
Is it possible to be told you have potential– and receive the advice, well wishes and boosts of encouragement that come with it - while still having the freedom to choose what works for you?
Tune in to this week’s podcast to discover:
- Where the promise of potential may be holding you back – and how to un-do it!
- How to identify where this may be impacting you in business, creation and personal relationships
- A-ha’s on having more ease with what other people need you to be for them
- How to open up your creative side to use your raw ingredients to create a life you love in every ten seconds
Tuesday Mar 26, 2019
#150 Bringing Light to Your Shadow Side: Keys to Reclaiming All of You
Tuesday Mar 26, 2019
Tuesday Mar 26, 2019
If you brought light to your shadow side what would you find?
Most of us fear we would find something that is best left hidden –
After all, that’s why we shoved it into the basement in the first place!
Our self-image is comprised of the elements that received positive reinforcement.
If people like it – it gets to stay.
If people don’t – it has to go.
With this:
Negative life events get silenced and sit unprocessed in our space.
Unique characteristics get traded for sameness so we can fit in.
Past poor choices become secret.
Skills that weren’t acknowledged get repressed.
And our unique interestingness that other people just didn’t get, gets judged and locked away.
The thing is, if we are only living on the positive side of ourselves then we are only half us.
Wholeness of being is only available when we bring light to our shadow sides, release judgment and explore what was right about it in the first place.
From there amazing possibilities form –peace with yourself, authentic creation, inspiration to others and the richness of using all you’ve got to create a life you love.
Tune in to this week’s podcast to discover:
- A powerful exercise to bring light to the shadows in your life.
- How our bodies get locked up with judgment – and how to release it!
- A key tool in flipping your perspective from wrongness to strongness.
- A little-known fact about life that will set you free to change with ease.
- How embracing consciousness – where everything is included and nothing is judged – including all of you! – can set you free like nothing else.
Tuesday Mar 19, 2019
#149 Close Enough? When You ALMOST Get What You’re Asking For
Tuesday Mar 19, 2019
Tuesday Mar 19, 2019
When you almost get what you’re asking for do you settle for close enough or refine your ask?
Most of us are asking for more in our lives.
Whether that is a better relationship, a different business, creative pursuits –
We know there is more out there to explore, create and enjoy.
We make asks for this all the time – sometimes more consciously then others.
We then put our feelers out and see what comes from it.
When possibilities appear that are wildly unexpected, they can throw us a bit.
But somehow, it’s easier to say yes or no to these and move forward then it is when possibilities come our way that are ALMOST what we’ve been asking for.
It’s the “close enough” zone that trips most of us up.
It can lead to settling for less then you want, trying to make things fit when they really don’t or making yourself – and your ask! – wrong in some way.
If you are looking for more in your life and would like some practical tools on how to make it be so then this one is for you!
Tune in to discover:
- Tools to come out of check-mark creation
- A powerful exercise to sense the future possibilities of what’s showing up now
- Questions for clarity when choosing to say yes or no
- 3 Ins & Outs to asking for change and more possibilities in your life
- Discovery work on phase 2 of creation (Most of us hang out in phase 1 forever and miss this entirely!)
Connect with me personally for deeper exploration at https://laurenpolly.com/discovery-session/
Tuesday Mar 12, 2019
#148 Anxiety - Be Gone! Relief in less then 10 seconds...
Tuesday Mar 12, 2019
Tuesday Mar 12, 2019
Do you think that anxiety is just a given in life?
It doesn't have to be!
Relief is on the way and easier to obtain than you think...
Yes, our reality is anxiety provoking -
Whether it is the constant environmental stimulation, living up to expectations at work, relationship drama or simply tapping into "interesting" world events -
Daily life is enough to set your mind racing and put your body on high alert!
So many of us have taken this as a given in life, a necessary evil that we can manage but never quite get rid of.
We've build so many energetic, behavioral and cognitive patterns around this that getting triggered into anxiety is way too easy.
And finding our way out is way too hard!
I'd love to introduce you to a LIFE CHANGING tool for this.
It has released my bigger anxieties and more subtle "worry-mind-sets" to bring lasting relief and a sense of peace and possibly.
I've used it with thousands of clients - as have others around the world - and they all report similar lovely effects...
Tune into discover:
- Two fundamental truths that will bring clarity to what anxiety is (it's way different then you think!)
- A quick and effective pattern interrupt for anxiety to get immediate relief
- Ways to relax your body as it feels anxious
- How to be aware of but not at the effect of other people and the environment
- How to thrive in an anxiety provoking world...
Added tools mentioned in the show:
Podcast on Are You a Psychic Sponge: http://www.thelightenuppodcast.com/are-you-a-psychic-sponge/
Podcast on Clearing Your Mind: http://www.thelightenuppodcast.com/113-clearing-your-mind/
Discovery session with Lauren for more personalized relief: https://laurenpolly.com/discovery-session/
Tuesday Mar 05, 2019
#147 Receiving Contribution: Why Go It Alone?
Tuesday Mar 05, 2019
Tuesday Mar 05, 2019
What if creating a life you enjoyed wasn't a solo path?
This universe is a plentiful place with endless possibilities to receive contribution.
But most of us struggle with letting it all in.
We get stuck in independence and pull away from the support that could take our life in a whole new direction.
Whether your life experience has taught you that you lose control, uniqueness or ownership when you let others support you -
Or you have received not so helpful "help" in the past -
What if you were willing to challenge that and discover a different possibility?
There is a way to develop healthy, contributory relationships.
And more support then you could possibly imagine.
Life is easier - and more fun! - with the right company.
All you have to do is be open to receiving it...
Tune into this week's podcast to discover:
- Downfalls of modern metaphysics, self-help and pop psychology that keep you from receiving (boundaries, protection and assertion oh my!)
- How to create spacious working and personal relationships that truly create more for everyone
- # 1 lie keeping you stuck in individuality vs wholeness
- Tools to keep your points of view from filtering out what you can receive
- What true contribution is (it's not what you think!)
As heard in the show... I warmly invite you to join us for Following Your Dreams, a 12-Week Program starting March 11th. Discover a fully-supportive program designed to help you reinvent your career (& life!) www.laurenpolly.com/blaze
Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
#146 Including it all; Are you leaving the old to get to the new?
Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
Are you leaving the old to get to the new?
What if there was a simpler and easier way to grow your future?
One that didn't include divorcing what is, fight and struggle, burnout from being spread too thin or starting from scratch over and over again?
Say good-bye to shiny-object syndrome, throwing the baby out with the bathwater and the feeling of leading separate lives in all your many professional and life roles...
Tune into this week's podcast to discover:
- A key energy to make your day job easier as you build your side hustle or creative project - and to have them contribute to each other and your quality of life!
- A perspective flip to bring all of your skill sets together to create more - even if they don't match on the surface!
- An exercise to discover what of your old life can be used to create the new and improved version
- An invitation to the wholeness of you when you let all your different roles come together as one...
For more info on the 12-week program featured in today's show: Follow Your Dream - It's possible even if you have a day job! www.laurenpolly.com/blaze
Tuesday Feb 19, 2019
#145 Figuring It Out Syndrome - Needing to Know Before You Can Go!
Tuesday Feb 19, 2019
Tuesday Feb 19, 2019
What if you didn’t have to figure out your next steps before taking them?
Blazing new trails in life can be less clear cut then we would like it to be.
Most often there are multiple ways forward.
Some are well-worn and predictable.
Some aren’t.
These choice points of left or right, path A, B or C, into the known or unknown bring up interesting things for all of us.
Especially when we are enticed to go down the path less traveled or defined…
The ability to tune into our awareness, intuition and gut sense is key in these moments.
The POP of possibilities of your next steps leading to greater – a better future, more enjoyable living, a more fulfilled you – are momentum makers.
But when we go to take that first step towards it our mind can start to chirp loudly stopping us in our tracks…
What if I go down this road and don’t like it?
I don’t have a concrete idea of where I’m headed – only a sense of a possibility - can I really move forward this way?
If only I could see into the future to know what lies around the bend…
Our mind, and it’s need to figure out the coming path, freeze our momentum and dulls our inner voice.
Having faith in our awareness and following it gets difficult when the mind takes over.
And saying a big enthusiastic YES to the exploration of living is near impossible.
But have no fear...
Permission to explore WITHOUT the need to figure it out is on the way!
Tune in to discover:
- Key difference between consciousness knowing and mind knowing
- Mis-identification that makes you think you are creating when you aren’t
- The key element to following your awareness, intuition and gut sense
- How to navigate when you can’t see the path before you
For more information on Blaze Your New Trail 12-week program go here: www.laurenpolly.com/blaze/
Tuesday Feb 12, 2019
#144 When Overwhelm Hits Try this!
Tuesday Feb 12, 2019
Tuesday Feb 12, 2019
Are you spinning your wheels in overwhelm instead of moving forward with creation?
We all feel called to blaze new trails for ourselves or jump tracks for a better future.
Whether through a new business, creative project, relationship or self-exploration –
The pull for that new possibility is one of the most enticing things in life.
The thing is taking the first steps along this new path is hard to do if you are overwhelmed with your current circumstances.
When our plate feels too full, we do all sorts of evasive maneuvering to keep more stuff from being added to it.
Unfortunately, in doing so, we don’t act on what would create that better future we are aware of.
Instead we look at those possibilities with a “maybe someday” mindset and carry on in our normal routine.
We all want better lives.
To do more, be more, have more and enjoy more.
And we are more then capable of creating it.
Overwhelm is a lie that you are limited, your resources are finite and you have tapped out your potential.
This isn’t true!!!!
If you are tired of having “I’d love to do that but I already have too much to do…” run your life then this podcast episode is a must listen!
Tune in to discover:
- 3 out-side-of-the-box tools to out-create overwhelm
- Energetic exercise to reclaim your space & growing room
- Creative ways to stop overspending your resources (time, money and energy!)
- Key trick to having all the energy you need to blaze a new trail for yourself
For more information on Blaze Your New Trail 12-week program visit www.laurenpolly.com/blaze/
Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
#143 When Other's Don't Get What You're Talking About
Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
When others don’t get what you’re creating do you give up or adapt and keep going?
Ever create something you were excited about only to have it fall flat when you shared it?
Or express a new idea only to have it fall on deaf ears or invoke confused looks?
The creative process is just that – a process – with many stages.
The initial WOW factor of the idea, the download of possibilities and the excitement of flushing it out in your own space is the fun part.
The tricky part comes at the next stage – sharing it with the world.
Whether you are:
Pitching new ideas to your boss.
Shopping a new business idea with investors.
Or promoting a new body of work to your clients / audience.
When our initial sharing doesn’t land or isn’t met with enthusiasm it’s really easy to get lost in judgment.
We judge our ideas, our awareness and sometimes even our enthusiasm.
Too many brilliant ideas and creations die this way!
We don’t realize that our message being missed in translation is part of the creative process.
And that navigating this tricky terrain can lead to even greater creations and expressions if we are willing to go through it…
Tune into this week’s podcast to discover:
- The #1 momentum-maker and how to keep it going strong through the creative process
- The dance between to being true to you and translating your message to your audience
- Questions to ask to gain clarity, un-stick yourself and make your creations work
Check out the upcoming Blaze Your New Trail Program for more help on this topic here: www.laurenpolly.com/blaze/
Tuesday Jan 29, 2019
#142 Getting out of Your Own Way In Creation (& Life!)
Tuesday Jan 29, 2019
Tuesday Jan 29, 2019
What if you could stop stopping you and your creations?
Blazing new trails – in your career (& life) - can have so many stops and starts that the path forward can be a finger biting, knee jerking, whiplash making ride.
One that, due to this unpleasantness, only few are been bold enough to take, let alone see to completion.
How about you?
Do you get distracted easily?
Spin your wheels in exhausted busyness – feeling like you are moving ahead only to be left with the same result you started out with?
Are you spending your energy in a constant state of conflict – loving what you are doing and hating it at the same time?
Second guessing yourself and where you are spending your resources?
Do you hide in overwhelm thinking that adding one more thing to your plate will just be too much to handle?
How much are you stopping yourself – and your new trail – by any or all of the above?
What if these distractions didn’t have the power to stop you anymore?
What if they were easily overcome once acknowledged, recognized and ignored?
Whether the MORE you are looking for is career advancement, business development or a creative pursuit - what if you could relax into the possibilities of forward movement and learn to stay the course?
Blazing a new trail for your career (& life!) can be easier than you imagine.
What more is possible if you stopped stopping you?
Tune into this week’s podcast to discover:
- The #1 Lie that keeps you stuck in overwhelm (and how to get free of it)
- How to break free from busyness, hyper drive and the need to do-do-do!
- The main cause of inner conflict that distracts you from moving forward with ease
- Acknowledgement exercise that you CAN do, be and have more…
Blaze Your New Trail: 12-week Program to Reinvent Your Career (& Life!) launches February 11th! For more info on the program and the tools mentioned in this show visit: www.laurenpolly.com/blaze/
Tuesday Jan 22, 2019
#141 Blazing New Trails in Your Career (& Life!)
Tuesday Jan 22, 2019
Tuesday Jan 22, 2019
Are you a trailblazer?
One who knows that something different in possible?
That there is more to explore, be, do, create and enjoy in this life?
A trailblazer is the first person to go somewhere or do something in order to show others it is possible.
The brave folks who blaze a unique trail that has a lasting impact on the people in their lives and the world; leaving it better then how they found it.
Unfortunately, you like many other trailblazers, may be in such deep disguise, so far undercover, that you don’t recognize this about yourself.
You haven’t yet acknowledged your full ability to not just succeed at the normal but thrive at the extraordinary.
You’re bored, creating drama and busyness because it gives you something to do.
You struggle with overwhelm as you can’t say ‘no’ to the things that suck the life out of you and can’t say ‘yes’ to the things that would actually fill you up.
You’re unsatisfied with what you have – then promptly judge yourself for not being grateful!
You are in fear of ‘missing the boat’ in some way – potential untapped, capacities unexplored, chances never taken and life not lived.
And you wake up at night with a hunger for more but don’t know what that more is let alone how to get it.
Undercover 9-5er’s who are Trailblazers in Disguise – this one is for you!!!!
Tune into this week’s podcast (& see below for the FULL 12-week program!) to discover:
- #1 mindset that makes you unsatisfied with life – and how to flip it!
- How to take the quantum leap from your 9-5 job to making the difference you were born to make
- What to do when you’ve reached the pinnacle of your career and you still want more
Blaze Your New Trail: A 12 week Program to Reinvent Your Career (& Life!) as mentioned in the show. Check out the details here: www.laurenpolly.com/blaze
Tuesday Jan 08, 2019
#140 When Judgment Takes Hold... And Won't Let Go
Tuesday Jan 08, 2019
Tuesday Jan 08, 2019
What if there was a way to stop judgment from hijacking your mind?
We’ve all been there…
We’ve left a situation only to find our mind spinning with what could have gone better.
The right and wrong of what we chose to say and do replay over and over again like an annoying picture show.
The desire to hit the mark when we engage with others –professionally or personally – is founded by many sweet intentions.
The sharing of a new idea, opening possibilities for others, speaking to what is true for us…
However, we are frequently met with walls of judgment when we do.
Whether that’s judgment from others around what you said or did or judgement of yourself around how you did or didn’t do it.
We get stuck and lost in it.
Judgment contracts your space, sticks you in your mind story and takes you out of presence with what is.
It’s fuel for that hamster in your head to just keep spinning around and around while hijacking your ability to let it go and move forward with ease.
There is a way to kick that hamster off the wheel and reclaim your clarity and peace.
To see things for what is – not what you think they should be – and to glean awareness for the future from it.
And, most importantly, to stop seeing yourself and what you choose as wrong and less then.
Join me for this special podcast episode exploring:
- How judgment hijacks your presence of the moment
- Questions to ask to stop your mind spin
- How to speak to what can be heard - not what you want to say
- What you may be aware of when the communication breaks down
- Perfection, comparison and result-oriented traps & pitfalls
Tuesday Jan 01, 2019
#139 Clean Slate: Keys to Starting Anew in the New Year
Tuesday Jan 01, 2019
Tuesday Jan 01, 2019
What if you could start anew in the new year?
And with way more ease and forward momentum than ever before?
Happy New Year! And Cheers to an amazing 2019!
If you are like anyone else on the planet then you are currently taking stock of your life and setting targets for the new year.
It’s always funny to see how the turn of the calendar year sets the masses into change mode…
We all set our intentions for the things we would like to be different and many of us take the first steps along that path.
Unfortunately, very few of us see it through to fruition.
Eventually we lose interest, get distracted, get frustrated at slow progress, doubt ourselves or float off to fantasy land – it’s easy to change it in there you know?!
Well, what if this year could be different?
What if you could find a sweet spot for enjoying the path to change?
Combining a large enough target to be continually enthused about and the practice of celebrating small wins along the way, you’ll find yourself moving faster and with more ease then you thought possible.
Whether you are looking at paying off debt, building investments, changing jobs, creating a business or cultivating relationships what more is possible then you have yet to create?
Is this the year you build the muscle of patient tenacity (one of my fav’s!) to see it through to fruition?
Enjoy this podcast for tips on:
- Setting targets that continually peak your interest
- Staying motivated through slower than desired change
- Pitfalls of overnight success and the “do-over!” phenomenon
- Patient Tenacity – the key mindset to enjoying the change path as you more forward
Tuesday Dec 25, 2018
#138 Wonder: Reclaiming the Magic of Life
Tuesday Dec 25, 2018
Tuesday Dec 25, 2018
‘Tis the season for… WONDER
What if this holiday season you could re-connect to the WONDER, MYSTERY and MAGIC that lay at the base of it all?
What I love so much about this time of year is the invitation to look beyond the ego, logical mind and day to day life grind.
The possibility to claim your connection to something bigger, vaster and more beautiful is an amazing gift.
Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Winter Solstice or your own personal beliefs let’s look at what is common among us.
All the stories, beliefs and practices during this time of year are beyond this reality.
They are beyond the logical mind and what is supposed to be possible.
They are full of magic and mystery and make you wonder.
No answer. No logic.
Just open exploration, deep connection and the WOW factor we had as children.
Is it time to reclaim that gift for yourself?
Enjoy this special holiday podcast exploring:
- The commonality we all share – beyond the right and wrong version of religion
- The wonder that is possible during this time of year
- Invitation to relax, enjoy and open to the vastness and magic of the universe – while celebrating however and whatever you choose
Happy Holidays!
Tuesday Dec 18, 2018
#137 When Old Patterns Resurface...
Tuesday Dec 18, 2018
Tuesday Dec 18, 2018
When old patterns resurface – what do you do?
I had an interesting week last week…
I found myself in a very stressful situation.
I was not unfamiliar with the situation but it had been YEARS since I had to deal with it.
I got a bit activated; buttons pushed, high alert and oh the stress!
A busy mind that WOULD NOT SHUT UP and a very tired body…
I started to notice that old patterns I had on how to deal with the stress had resurfaced.
And that those patterns had a sneaky way of sucking me back to the past.
The me from 5 years-ago resurfaced; along with all my old ways of dealing, being and doing.
When we visit old circumstances or environments (Going home for the holidays? This will totally apply!) we tend to go back to the past.
We reference what was to figure out how to deal with what is and to see what can be.
And our behaviors, mind-sets and reaction patterns regress to that same past point.
You time-warp and before you know it all the space, strength and forward progress you have made is gone in the blink of an eye.
We all go through this from time to time as stressors hit and familiar but rare situations re-visit us.
Luckily there is an easy trick to flip out of these reaction patterns, come back to the present moment and reclaim yourself.
I put it to use this week and invite you to do the same!
Enjoy this podcast where we’ll explore:
- Regression triggers and how the “old us” comes back to bite us
- How referencing the past to figure out the present doesn’t work
- How to un-do the internal battle of the old you and the new you
- A simple question to pull you out of this pattern instantly
- A way to use the past, present and future to be more of you in every moment
Tuesday Dec 11, 2018
#136 Got Holiday Stress? Try This!
Tuesday Dec 11, 2018
Tuesday Dec 11, 2018
We are in the heart of the holiday season.
There are sparkling lights, sweet treats and cozy comforts.
There are also things to buy, meals to prep, guests to welcome, travel to undertake and a whole host of “extra” to-do’s that may be wearing you a bit thin.
I’ve had some interesting conversations recently around this topic.
Most people, while excited about the merriment of the season, are feeling overwhelmed.
With finances stretched, schedules packed and the inter-personal interestingness of family visits; they are in serious need of a me day!
Or so they think…
It got me thinking about self-care.
How most use it as a band-aid – retreat when things get too much, recharge your battery then dive head first back into life.
I find this to be minimally effective, not to mention way less fun.
‘Me days’ can be luxurious when they are done for the delight of the experience – not from a “I need to do this or I’m going to lose it!” perspective.
It also isn’t dealing with the heart of the matter -
What’s going on to push you to that edge in the first place?!
Most wouldn’t need to withdraw if they were including themselves more in their day to day choices.
Or if they acknowledged their awareness – self, relational and environmental – more.
If they could have less expectations of what needs to get done and more choices of what could be enjoyed things would be very different.
In short, overwhelm is a red flag that there is something off in Denmark.
What if instead of hitting that edge and retreating you could cultivate self-care in every moment?
Be present with yourself and put your needs and desires as priority #1?
Employ a simple trick to relax into your body, open your perspective and choose towards a lighter living whenever the stress starts to build?
And – taking it a few light years ahead – what if there was a way to not only ‘handle’ life but have fun with it and create a more generative future in the process?
The holidays are a great time to enjoy, acknowledge and have gratitude for the amazing life you lead.
Overwhelm can keep you from that. Don’t let it!
Enjoy this special holiday-themed podcast where we’ll explore:
- Awareness exercise – what is really making you so stressed this time of year?
- How to use overwhelm as a guidepost – not a wrongness
- Taking the ‘need’ of self-care away – time to luxuriate in it!
- Some great ‘prep work’ to do for the oncoming holiday season
- A simple yet powerful question that leads to momentary fun & a brighter future in one fell swoop!
Tuesday Dec 04, 2018
#135 Creation: Learning How to Use What You've Got
Tuesday Dec 04, 2018
Tuesday Dec 04, 2018
What raw materials do you have to create with? Are you using all of them to your advantage?
I adore random a-ha’s from unexpected places…
I was watching the latest episode of Top Chef – a t.v. cooking competition – and had a huge lightbulb moment.
The contestants were creating high-end, fancy food and I was thinking to myself ‘what secret ingredients do they have access to in order to create that!”
In the next scene they all got into the car to get supplies for their next challenge and guess where they went?
Say what?!
I shop there. So do you.
Turns out they don’t have access to secret, exclusive ingredients - they work with the same raw materials that we all do.
So, what’s the difference between their ability to create 5-star cuisine and my ability to create a basic boring dish?
The way they use what they’ve got…
They have educated themselves.
Cultivated skill sets.
Practiced over and over again.
Continually pushed their creative edge.
Took their book learning, real-life experience and creative minds and WENT FOR IT!
It popped open such a space in my mind and made me ask myself –
Where am I not using all that I have access to?
What excuses am I using to keep me from playing with the plethora of energies, abilities and skills I already have and others that I am one choice away from cultivating?
If we all have access to the same raw materials – it’s just how we used them – I wonder what else and what more I could play with?
We all get stuck in those excuses of because…
That people around us are more successful and moving forward at a faster clip because they
are more connected,
have more money and time,
have more creative ideas,
have access to some little-known secret to creation that I don’t know!
What if it was time to move past theses excuse and the point of view that you were missing something?
And started instead to explore, cultivate and use what you’ve got to create a life and business you love?!
Enjoy this podcast exploring:
- Questions to use to un-stick yourself
- How honesty with self may be the one thing you are missing
- Awareness gaining exercise on self-imposed stops and limitations
- Call to action on exploring, cultivating and using what you’ve got to create!