Welcome to Depth and Drive: Finding Success Without Losing Yourself, a podcast and blog dedicated to entrepreneurs, creators, and founders who are navigating the delicate balance between their ambitions and their personal well-being. In today’s fast-paced world, the drive to succeed can often overshadow the need to stay true to oneself. This space is designed to help you explore how to achieve your goals without compromising your emotional depth, creative integrity, or personal identity. As entrepreneurs, creators, and founders, you’re likely familiar with the relentless pursuit of success and the sacrifices it demands. But what happens when the very things that make you unique—your creativity, emotional intelligence, and personal values—get lost in the hustle? Depth and Drive delves into these crucial questions, offering insights, stories, and strategies to help you maintain your sense of self while pursuing your dreams. Whether you’re building a brand, launching a new venture, or pushing the boundaries of innovation, this podcast and blog will guide you on how to find fulfillment without losing yourself in the process. Join us as we discuss the intersection of ambition and authenticity, where success is not just measured by external achievements but by how well you can stay connected to who you are. Through engaging conversations and practical advice, Depth and Drive offers a roadmap for entrepreneurs, creators, and founders who seek to thrive both personally and professionally. Here, you’ll learn how to harness your emotional depth as a strength, fueling your creative and entrepreneurial endeavors with purpose and balance.
Tuesday Nov 27, 2018
#134 Confidence: How to Relax Into Your Greatness
Tuesday Nov 27, 2018
Tuesday Nov 27, 2018
What if you were confident your own skin?
With no need to push, prove, control or dominate others?
Just a quiet power, acknowledgement and trust in what you had to offer?
So often we misinterpret what confidence is.
Fake it ‘til you make it.
Being the loudest voice in the room.
Harsh control and dominance over others.
Outwardly proving our worth, while on the inside doubting it.
We use up TONS of energy this way and our poor bodies eek with the tension of it all.
Not to mention the strain it puts on our relationships, businesses and creations.
Truth be told fake it ‘til you make it isn’t sustainable.
It’s you pushing your way to be seen as something that you don’t believe you are deep down inside.
What if instead you could cultivate a relaxation into your greatness?
A submission to your own worth.
To know that you are willing to show up, ask questions, create where required and lead the way forward?
It’s not about having all the answers, figuring it out, fixing everything for everyone else or having to go it alone.
It’s about owning your brilliance in a soft way and relaxing into more support then you’ve ever thought possible.
Enjoy this episode where we’ll explore:
- Mis-identifications of what confidence is
- Awareness exercise to identify where you’ve misapplied confidence
- Keys to relaxing and softening into your greatness
- How to pull support from others while not losing your power
- What true confident leadership is
FREE telesummit on confidence and empowerment coming up!
Please join me and 20+ other experts on The Empowered Life Summit hosted by Kim Louise Morrison starting December 4th! Go here for more details and to register: https://theempoweredlife.kimlouisemorrison.com/lauren-polly
Tuesday Nov 20, 2018
#133 Un-Hiding All of You: Keys to Creative Living
Tuesday Nov 20, 2018
Tuesday Nov 20, 2018
How many parts of yourself are you keeping hidden? Is it time to let all of you shine?
We are diverse, layered, multi-dimensional and textured beings.
We have a wealth of different aspect of self.
Not all of our energies, qualities and capabilities get top billing though.
There are some that we play with from time to time but only in very specific circumstances.
And some that we hide far away, so out of other’s sight that after awhile we become blind to them ourselves.
There could be many reasons for this…
Sometimes we share a new side of ourselves only to be shut down by judgment, prejudices or preferences from others.
We are told that certain aspects of self don’t mesh well with our current age, circumstances or responsibilities.
Life’s never ending “to-do-list” leads you into goal directed living.
Autopilot takes over and before you know if you are only playing in one very specific lane.
Gone is the colorful and textured tapestry of you, replaced instead by a more muted, flat and somewhat mediocre version.
To top that off most of us were rarely given permission to un-hide, explore and foster our lesser known parts of self.
As a result, lots of our brilliances lay dormant and unfamiliar to us through most of our lives…
What if you were able to enjoy the full wealth of being and diversity of self that is available?
To add more color, texture and dimension to your life’s tapestry?
And to have the freedom to choose when and where what part of you got to come out to play?
Enjoy this episode where we’ll explore:
- An awareness exercise to discover hidden parts of yourself
- Secretes to undoing the need to hide
- How to relax into your uniqueness
- Tips on reclaiming your hidden brilliance and wealth of being
To be the first to hear when Lauren's Becoming Whole program launches - and receive a complimentary meditation - sign up here: https://mailchi.mp/laurenpolly/subscribe
Tuesday Nov 13, 2018
#132 Vulnerability: A Key to Un-Doing Isolation
Tuesday Nov 13, 2018
Tuesday Nov 13, 2018
Who or what is here to support you? Are you willing to be vulnerable enough to let them in?
We all tend to guard against vulnerability…
In this reality we are taught that being vulnerable means you are weak, can’t handle it, are open to attack or at risk for being caught in some way.
None of this is true. True vulnerability is something else entirely.
It is the soft, spacious power of receiving contribution, connection and support WHILE being you; warts and all.
I get how it can FEEL like being vulnerable is more like option # 1 above and not like option # 2…
That being vulnerable is more of a no-no then a secret sauce for success…
It can be quite confronting to let someone in.
To be seen fully; every nook and cranny, every bright and dark spot of you on full display.
Perhaps you have opened up before only to be judged and therefore made the choice to close up shop from here on out.
The walls have gone up and you only show parts of you – those parts that seem safe and okay to share.
It can be hard to ask for assistance, support or help.
Strange how in doing so we FEEL like we lose our power and independence…
Perhaps you have asked for assistance in the past and were controlled, disempowered or just weren’t too keen on the way that “help” was given.
And we all seek independence, self-sufficiency and dominance in our lives however we foray too much and get lost in push, force, defense and oh so much tension…
Any way you break it down; our lack of vulnerability leads to isolation with the need to do it all yourself, go-it-alone, never be wholly seen, heard and appreciated.
I’d love to invite you to know a different possibility, one that may look and feel very different then you think…
You can be open, seen, connected, supported WHILE you remain YOU – the independent, unique, trailblazer you were born to be.
Being vulnerable is a key trick to that…
Enjoy this podcast episode where we’ll explore:
- The difference between being alone and being lonely
- How to bring down the walls that keep distance in your relationships
- “Independent” syndrome and how it keeps out support
- Negotiation tips for when you let people in
- What true vulnerability is and what it can add to your life
Tuesday Nov 06, 2018
#131 What's Right About You That You Aren't Getting?!
Tuesday Nov 06, 2018
Tuesday Nov 06, 2018
Are you ready to take off your self-judgment goggles?
You are brilliant, aware, sensitive, open and deeply connected to others and your environment.
This may not feel so great all the time…
Especially if you have never unpacked the gift it is to be aware and connected to this degree.
If you have never looked at it from this angle then you may feel stressed, limited, stuck or are held captive by your spinning mind and heavy self-doubt.
I get it. I was there too for a very long time.
When we struggle with our awareness we begin to judge ourselves.
We make ourselves wrong and start very unhealthy patterns.
Our points of view create our reality.
So, when we judge ourselves as wrong for being who and what we are naturally then guess what?
We see ourselves as wrong from there on out…
The longer we wear our self-judgment goggles the more our vision gets filtered.
We start to see ourselves, the world and our place in it in a very disjointed light.
Yes, this is bad rabbit hole to go down but have no fear!
There is a simple trick for flipping this wrongness on its ear, challenging your limiting beliefs and wondering about the hidden brilliance that lies within.
Please join me on this very special episode exploring:
- How our point of view creates our reality
- How unconscious patterns become grooved in over time – and how to change them!
- The power of wonderment
- The secret to dissolving self-judgment and moving past it
The Other Side of Bipolar Complimentary 5-week Book Club starts soon on November 11th! Join the exploration here: https://laurenpolly.com/book-club/
Tuesday Oct 30, 2018
#130 If Only... How to Out-Create Your Excuses
Tuesday Oct 30, 2018
Tuesday Oct 30, 2018
What if you could out-create any excuse you have?
We all have that one thing.
That if we had it – we could do, have and enjoy anything and everything we desire.
We would start our business, write that book, foster our relationship, make investments… on and on it goes.
Let’s play a discovery game – answer the following question:
If only I had ____ I would have the life of my dreams.
What fits in the blank for you?
Money? Health? Creativity? Support? Approval? Time?
You name an ask for what you want and I bet you can find an “If only” that is laying on top of it –
Blocking your vision to see your way through it.
Sucking up all your focus.
Expending your energy by fighting it or fussing over it.
Distracting you from moving forward.
Or just giving up all together as that un-getable-get will never be yours…
But what if those excuses didn’t have to stop you anymore?
There is a way to work with these “if onlys” in a way that creates massive – and easeful! – change.
Enjoy this episode with tips and tricks on:
- Discovering your “if onlys” that are holding you back
- Out-creating those excuses with ease for forward movement in your life
- How bringing “surface” excuses to light can help you uncover what’s really sticking you deep down
- “Starving the beast” technique to regain your power
- Clear steps on how to change the things you think are unchangeable in your life
Added ways to play with this topic:
FREE Book Club for The Other Side of Bipolar starts November 11th lead by me! Check out the details and join us here: https://laurenpolly.com/book-club/
Here’s the full interview on the Art of Creation Show I mention in the episode: https://youtu.be/cPteXZxvElk
Tuesday Oct 23, 2018
#129 How to Bounce Back: The Power of Resiliency
Tuesday Oct 23, 2018
Tuesday Oct 23, 2018
What if you were capable of bouncing back from life's ups and downs with total ease?
The resiliency of us humans never ceases to amaze me.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched someone on the brink of a downward spiral who chose to rebound instead.
The numerous patient’s I’ve treated in the hospital with severe strokes whose neuroplasticity corrected almost all of the deficits within weeks to months.
All the people I’ve seen bounce back from a major illness to form a new relationship with and enjoyment of their body.
We are resilient. We are made – body, soul and brain - to bounce back.
Now, that being said, I get we all don’t feel that way at times.
As life takes us on a seemingly out-of-our-control ride through various peaks and valleys we can feel overwhelmed, defeated and shell-shocked by our current circumstances.
“How did I wind up here and what am I supposed to do now?” are frequent inner wailings that occur during these rude awakenings.
No matter where you find yourself in these 10-seconds – on an upswing a downswing or the stagnation of no-swing –
What if you could bounce back in a way that out-created where you were when you began?
Just how resilient are you?
And how could you use all you’ve got to create a richer more vibrant life?
To relay a favorite quote of mine: “Failure isn’t the falling down, it’s the staying down.”
Buck up baby, and let’s get going!
Enjoy this podcast episode where we’ll explore:
- How we are built to bounce back – neuroplasticity, body self-healing and tenacity of being
- 4 keys to resiliency that will allow you to change anything quickly and with ease
- How to overcome the lie of perfection and the fear of failure
- How preserving what was and fighting what is will stick you like nothing else
Book a complimentary discovery session with me here: https://laurenpolly.com/booking/
Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
#128 I Trust Me Most: The Power of Self-Reliance
Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
Who do you trust most in this world? Is it you?
Trust is a funny thing.
We give it freely to those we deem deserving.
Mostly this includes gurus, authority figures, experts, the people in our lives that demand to be seen this way.
Very rarely do we give that trust to ourselves.
The planted feet, eyes open, strong back-bone of “I know me more then you do” and “I trust that” is an elusive thing.
Even when we get more practiced at it those slivers of self-doubt can pull us of course.
Before you know it, that slight wavering takes your ship and points it towards where others are telling you to go – not the true north that your internal compass points to.
Yes, at times our inner knowing, gut instinct, self-awareness, intuition – whatever you want to call it – can be in opposition to what others tells us.
The expectations of what’s needed, is next to come or what should be are louder and more charged then that soft inner whisper.
When the two compete for your attention which do you turn to?
Which guides the ship of your life?
Are you free to follow what you know and trust that?
This is a sticky area and unfortunately can be a bit esoteric and conceptual.
Sure – it sounds great to trust me most – but how do I do that?
How do I know what I know?
Well… the good news it is easier than you think.
I’m delighted to share a few “how to” tools and fun perspective flips in this week’s podcast.
Is it time to take your power back and trust you most of all?
In this episode we’ll explore:
- A key tool on how to tune into your awareness
- Daily perspective to open your eyes to what you know in each moment
- What to do when your awareness is different then everyone else’s
- How to become your own guru of you
Tuesday Oct 09, 2018
#127 Receiving the Fruits of Your Labors: The Harvest
Tuesday Oct 09, 2018
Tuesday Oct 09, 2018
What seedlings have you planted that are ready to bear fruit?
We plant seeds constantly.
Every interaction, choice to go left or right, ‘yes’ to something new and each renewed commitment to yourself is a seedling of possibility – a different track to take your future or a way to add to the track you are currently on.
Unfortunately, we aren’t the best gardeners at times…
We play with the seedlings in the ethers of fantasy land never acting to bring them to actualized form.
We under-feed them and lacking nourishment, care and the space to grow they wither up and die.
We get a bit angry when the when’s and how’s of growth don’t match our expectations.
And interestingly enough we sometimes cut down the most sustainable crops…
When those seedlings out-create our original ask we get overwhelmed to receive all they desire to give to us.
We say no to the gift, turn away and stop the abundance of sustainable creation.
Growth and creation – whether it’s a creative pursuit, a business or a relationship – go through certain cycles.
They require different things from you at each stage…
Creating the space for new creations to take root and sprout.
Pulling energy to feed and nourish them.
Action to clear the path and allow them to get as big as they desire.
And of course, the harvest…
That joyful time you get to pluck the crops off the vine to feed and nourish yourself…
What seedlings have you planted that are ready to bear fruit?
What part of the cycle are you in now and what’s required to move forward?
Are you ready and willing to receive all that your creations desire to gift you?
In this episode we’ll cover:
- The cycles of creation with tips on moving forward when you get stuck in each one
- The powerful combination of space, energy and action to create anything you desire
- Energy exercise to create space, pull energy and open up to receive...
For more info and to join Lauren in the full Harvest class October 15th visit here: https://laurenpolly.com/product/energy-pull-class-the-harvest/
Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
#126 Jumping Without a Parachute
Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
Are you ready to stretch past your safety zone?
New situations can feel unsafe to us at first.
As we stretch to new places and spaces; relationships, jobs, experiences and skill sets it’s normal for us to get a bit safety-seeking.
We miss the comfort, the ease and that known bandwidth of energy that was back in our old safety zone.
We sometimes get so wigged out by this missing sense of safety that we go back to the old before we even have a chance to get used to the new.
We give up on so much growth and expansion this way…
We pull back and don’t move at all or we choose but only for the “safest” option or we go forward but with a lot of needless worry and upset.
None of the above really creates you as the leader of your life; the one who is bold enough to just go when they are called.
Yes, growth in this way is uncomfortable.
And when the need for safety gets activated it takes this un-comfort up a notch and it can feel like jumping off a cliff without a parachute.
But what if you were willing to go anyway? And trust that in time all will be well in time?
In this episode we’ll explore:
- The need for safety, predictability and comfort – and how it stops your growth
- The willingness to be seen and heard - and how to stop playing it safe
- How to take your current comfort zone and continually expand it for a bigger life
- Questions to ask to help your move forward with ease
For a personal look at this topic book a complimentary 1:1 discovery session with Lauren - mentioned on today's episode - here: https://laurenpolly.com/coaching/
Tuesday Sep 25, 2018
#125 Bringing Fantasy to Reality
Tuesday Sep 25, 2018
Tuesday Sep 25, 2018
What if you could bridge the gap between your fantasy life and your reality?
We are often told that fantasies are bad.
We are told we’re being unrealistic and un-present.
That we need to “get real” and “get our heads out of the clouds.”
However, there are times when our fantasies are truer to us then our outward life.
They are a place where the fullness of ourselves and our higher aspirations – that dream business, creative pursuit, greater relationship - can play unthwarted and unedited.
A place where our “impossibles” get free range to expand.
What if instead of “getting real” you could use – and indulge! – your fantasies to gain awareness on what you would truly like to create in your life?
What if there was a way to bridge the gap and let this bigger, truer and more exciting self out to play more?
In this episode we'll explore:
- How to use your fantasies as an information source
- The muscle of being present while you dream
- The indulgence technique
- The lie of "realistic" and how it stops you
- Action steps to bridge the gap and bring your fantasies into reality
Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
#124 My Go-To Trick to Handle Anything!
Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
What if a simple energy trick / perspective flip could allow you to handle anything that came your way?
We all tend to lose ourselves a bit in the face of intensity.
Whether that intensity takes the form of anger, judgment, jealousy, other people's expectations or the blame-shame game it can cause us to shrink and doubt ourselves.
We lose our ease, lightness and many of our more generative choices this way.
One of my mentors - Gary Douglas - once said "He who has the most space wins." He was onto something!
When you occupy more space your problems shrink and they lose their intense visceral quality. Other people stop seeming larger than life and more powerful then you.
Your greatness becomes familiar, forward movement is easier, bigger creations are natural as you don't have fixed ideals and images that contract your sense of what's possible.
He who has the most space doesn't react, cower, defend or fight. There is no need for that. He who has the most space creates, lives, plays and enjoys.
He sees all possibilities, has the extra beat of breath to scan for the lightest one and posseses the inner power to move ahead with it without looking back.
Enjoy this episode that walks you through my go-to trick to handle anything - the S P A C E exercise! - along with different ways to apply and use it.
I wonder what will change when you claim your space...???
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
#123 Creating a Life Worth Living
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
What is a life worth living from your perspective?
And what if there were easier ways to create it then you ever thought possible?
Whether you are struggling with the idea of not wanting to live the life you currently have or are looking to up-level to bigger and better - this one is for you.
In honor of suicide prevention awareness week we'll explore some insights I gained from my own suicide struggles in my teens and also from my experience with up-leveling my life to be more fully alive in my later years.
This is touchy and tender topic for some - it's not easy to admit that you are struggling with life or that you simply want more for yourself and aren't quite sure if it's possible or how to bring it about.
No matter how far off change seems...
There is hope for more. Bigger possibilities are awaiting you, as well as the support to get there.
And the path forward may be easier then you think.
Enjoy the gems in this episode to help you along that path including:
- Three powerful questions and self-exploration exercises to regain your zest for life
- A different perspective on the current suicide epidemic and the sleepy autopilot living most of us fall into
- How to change boredom, check out, disinterest and the desire to leave
- How to become the leader of your life & find peace within yourself
If you haven't read my multi-award-winning book yet it is filled with inspiration gems just like this episode. Download the first chapter as my gift to you here: https://laurenpolly.com/coaching/
Tuesday Sep 04, 2018
#122 Letting Your Body Be: Ending the Power Struggle Once and For All
Tuesday Sep 04, 2018
Tuesday Sep 04, 2018
How much energy do you waste fighting your body?
Our bodies put up with a lot from us...
Ideals of perfection that we try to make it match
Following strict health guidelines that have nothing to do with being present with what our body requires
Forceful movement and exercise that creates more tension then it relieves
Frustration with it when it doesn't function properly...
The thing is our body - and our relationship with it - is the main one we have in this life.
Our body is the first thing we say hello to when we come into the world and the last thing we say goodbye to when we leave it.
If this primary relationship is based on a power struggle then that fight, struggle and tense energy becomes a constant in your space.
What else is possible for you and your body? And what can cultivating that possibility change for your overall living?
In this episode we'll explore:
- A key trick to flip your current power struggle into a relationship of ease
- The perfect ideals we have and why they are determential to our body's well-being
- How to build a co-creation and momentary presence with your body
- How to enjoy the look, feel and function of your body in every 10 seconds
- How changing the energy of your physicality can change the energy of living
FREE gift for further change! Enjoy this guided meditation download: Body Scan & Clearing to continue to explore these possibilities. Relax... and let your body be... https://mailchi.mp/68f169af8632/bodyclearing
Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
#121 Making Changes Step by Step
Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
What if making changes in your career path could be easy, fast and surprisingly creative?
How often do you take a new career path and get so focused on the end game that you miss the journey along the way?
Do you get so lost in your mind trying to figure out each step or worrying about the “what if’s” that you simply talk yourself out of ever going for it in the first place?
The journey of change can be confronting yet it is full of highly creative off shoots:
increasing our ask along the way for a constant up-leveling
using the information we gain to our advantage
and getting clear on how we desire to spend our time
are just some of the delightful and surprising off shoots we can enjoy.
Job, career and business development are prime ground for this amazing journey.
If you are willing to be present, stay open, get out of your own way and take it step by amazing step.
In this episode we’ll explore:
- Being the chooser while job hunting
- A simple trick for coming out of overwhelm and self-sabotaging behaviors
- How to develop presence during times of change so you don’t miss side-lying possibilities
- The expansive trick of the self-exploration mindset
- Inspiration for nonlinear paths that may take you way beyond what you set out for
For added inspiration check out Lauren’s published article “Business is a Journey, Not a Destination” on Chic Galleria
Tuesday Aug 21, 2018
#120 Why Not Fitting In Can Be a Good Thing
Tuesday Aug 21, 2018
Tuesday Aug 21, 2018
How much of your life have you been trying to find a place to fit?
Whether its in a relationship, community or belief system our quest to find a place where we belong can lead to some interesting conflict spots in our lives.
Most of us know that we are unique, that we go our own way and don't quiet "fit the mold" in a traditional sense.
Yet we still seek out people who see, acknowledge and accept us as a way of knowing that we aren't alone and to feel supported.
There's nothing wrong with that desire but unfortunately we go about creating it in weird ways that can constrict our inner selves, desires and full potential for growth.
There is a lot more possible to have a sense of connection, to yourself and with others, without the need to fit in, join up or belong.
In this episode we'll explore:
- The mental constructs we use that keep us out of authentic connection
- Square peg in a round hole syndrome
- How to find a sense of home within yourself
- The power of looking inward to find what you've been seeking - that lets you enjoy life more
- Enjoying your difference no matter who or what accepts it or not
Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
#119 Saying Yes: A Key to Un-stick Yourself
Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
What are you saying 'no' to that keeps the life you desire just out of reach?
It's funny to watch how often we say 'no' to the things we say we desire.
We turn away from open doors, from outstreached hands, from new experiences that would add color, texture and depth to our lives.
We all get a bit stuck in the familiar, the comfortable, the routine, the safety zone from time to time.
Some more then others, all for different reasons and for different lenghts of time.
'No' becomes a default response, a hesitation, a doubt that can lead to a great deal of stagnation, self-judgment and irritation.
Yet, deep down, we yearn for more.
An uncomfortable rub can begin in that space.
We watch the world move by with a wondering "What if?" growing more irritated with our lack of movement and yet unable to move at the same time...
Join me on this episode for a fun and inspiring tale of my friend, Caroline, who was stuck in this space and made a big demand on herself - to say 'YES!' to every invitiation that came her way for one month straight.
What came of that simple challenge may surprise you and open up the space to say 'yes' yourself...
In this episode we'll explore:
- Why 'no' has become so valuable and automatic in our lives
- How rationalizations, justifications and logical thinking can shut down our trailblazing path
- What to do when you hit the "And now what?" space after reaching your targets
- How to gain ease in the uncomfort of new situations
- Tips on flipping your automatic 'no' into a conscious 'yes'
- Surprising outcomes for life and self-growth when you open up to new possibilities
Tuesday Aug 07, 2018
#118 Finding Balance
Tuesday Aug 07, 2018
Tuesday Aug 07, 2018
What balance of life are you seeking? And does it seem more like a battle than a balance at times?
I had an interesting life coaching session a few days ago...
This wonderfully talented women was seeking out "balance" in every area of her life - work / life balance, mix of country and city in living location, the balance of "responsible" finances / investing in creating her own business...
It had an interesting energy to it.
Almost like diametrically opposed asks and targets.
Life instead of a work / life balance it was a work vs life battle...
Like the two things she wanted to balance were at odds with each other and couldn't possibly exist in the same life at the same time.
Either she could have this - or she could have that.
And whatever one she leaned towards to create the other one felt depleted and left behind.
The result? Judgment, inner conflict and stagnation in choice.
Can you relate?! Yikes!
So many cool awarenesses came out of that coaching session that I felt inspired to create a podcast around it.
Enjoy the a-ha's and let me know what pops for you!
In this episode we'll explore
- 3 misleading ways we are taught to seek balance
- A self-judgment trap hidden within the ideal balance model society gives us
- Hidden either / or goals that can lead to inner conflict and stagnation
- How to find your perfect mix of work / life in any given 10 seconds
Have questions about the content in this episode and wish to reach out to Lauren? You can connect with her at lauren@laurenpolly.com
Tuesday Jul 31, 2018
#117 Part 2 Worry-Free Living: Creating without Worry!
Tuesday Jul 31, 2018
Tuesday Jul 31, 2018
What worry have you been indulging in that is holding back your life choices?
Our conversation on worry free living continues with part 2 - Creating without worry!
We are the creators of our lives. We create relationships, money, businesses, creative pursuits and our day to day embodiment experiences.
How often does worry - especially about what others may think of what you choose to create - color your choices, dull your light and pull you back from a new path?
Are you ready to set your choice GPS to YOU and away from needing to meet other people's expectations or win their acceptance?
In this episode we'll explore:
- How to use your awareness as the primary, dominant guide post in your life choices
- A common worry that dilutes your life experience and pulls you away from your awareness
- A key trick to stop reacting to gossip and judgement from others
- Un-doing the drama-queen we all induldge a bit too much
- How to FREE your energy from worry and re-direct it into creation
The 4-part Worry Free Living Series begins next week on August 6th! Join the conversation on worry-free relationships, money, body and YOU here: https://mailchi.mp/laurenpolly/worryfree
Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
#116 Part 1 Worry-Free Living: Caring Without Worry!
Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
What would living without worry be like?
So often we think that worrying is a given in life.
It colors our relationships, exhausts our energy, distracts our efforts and diludes our creations.
And yet we continue to allow it to creep on in.
Like an unwanted but needed companion or a undesirable but necessary side effect in life.
What if it didn't have to be so?
In this episode we'll explore:
- Worry in all it's various - and hidden - forms
- How the need to perfect, perform and prove invites worry into every area of your otherwise joyful life
- How caring and loving get twisted into worry (I care therefore I worry, I worry therefore I care)
- This realities strange positive reinforcement of the worry mindset and how to break free from it
This is part 1 of 2 - stay tuned for next weeks episode! If you want it delievered straight to your inbox sign up for my weekly newsletter here: http://eepurl.com/MGYWT
And take a peak at my upcoming 4-part online class series on Worry-Free Living starting August 6th here: https://mailchi.mp/laurenpolly/worryfree
Tuesday Jul 10, 2018
#115 Turning Point with Money
Tuesday Jul 10, 2018
Tuesday Jul 10, 2018
How would you like to live your life? And what money is here to support it?
Money is a BIGGIE topic!
Whether you think you don't have any, are just getting by month to month, have settled into confort (which can be a slipper slope!) or are actively seeking to create more money to fuel your life - you wanna listen to this show!
We'll explore:
- The comfort zone vs the creative zone with money
- Variations of financial realities and how to explore what works for you
- How to stop resisting educating yourself on finances
- How to make choices with the money you do have to create more
- The flip of mentation when sitting with your finances that opens up more possibilities to change
Let me know how this one goes - and if you'd like future episodes on this topic at lauren@laurenpolly.com